I am over 31 weeks along and cannot wait until I get to hold our sweet baby in my arms! I had an ultrasound done today with my new doctor here in Washington and it was so amazing to see how much this little guy has grown in the past 12 weeks since my last ultrasound in California. I use to say that I never wanted a 3D ultrasound in case our baby wasn't the cutest, but the doctor surprised me and showed me his face and he is absolutely perfect. I know every mother says that about their baby but he really is! The first thing the doc said to me when she started the ultrasound was, "does your husband have a big head?" Apparently our little man has a rather large noggin'. I'm not surprised, I had a very large, bald head until I was at least 2 years old! It should make for a fun delivery right! At 31 weeks and 2 days our baby boy weighs over 4 pounds. Let's pray he doesn't take after his father and weigh 12 pounds born 3 weeks early. Andy was so big he didn't even fit in the incubator in the NICU! Now I am going to post one of those creepy 3D photos for you all, even though I kinda cringe whenever someone else does! It's true, I am officially one of those people and I love it!
I have been really struggling with missing my dad. The year of 2010 was honestly the worst year of my life. Thankfully, I have a husband who loved and supported me through it all. I know my dad has continued to watch over me and protect me just like he use to here on Earth. 2011 has been a year of amazing blessings for Andy and I. Knowing that my dad is taking care of our sweet baby in Heaven brings me such joy. I have continued to feel my dad's presence in my life. I have continued to feel his love for me and our family. I am so thankful for those tender mercies sent from Heaven that remind me of my dad.
Before I was married my dad gave me a very special father's blessing, which was recorded and typed up. After he past away I begged the lady living in his house to give me the copy but she refused. I searched high and low looking for the copy my dad had given me nearly five years ago but I couldn't find it. Around Father's day I was especially struggling and missing my dad. I was going through some of the paper work we had packed and sure enough I saw an envelope that had my dad's writing on it. I opened it up and read the most beautiful blessing. Those words were exactly what I needed to hear at that time. I felt as if I could feel his presence and remembered that special day, the sound of his voice and his big strong hands.
Andy and I cannot wait to tell our kids all about their Papa Joe. Even though he is not here physically, I know his legacy will live on. My dad had a very strong personality and presence here on Earth, one too strong to just go away. I am so thankful for eternal families and I know we will be together again.
I love this beautiful view from our home. Heavenly Father has given us so much to be thankful for.
Such a blessing to find that from your Dad.
You are look beautiful in that pic.
A glowing Mom to be :)
Loved reading this Jen, I'm so happy for all the wonderful things in your life. Love and miss you!
I never knew about that story. How upsetting that must have been. I am so glad you found a copy! That view is amazing.
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