Sunday, October 19, 2008


Wow, 2 blogs in two days...I'm on a roll!  SO I need to confess something.  When Andy & I got home from church there was a package in the mail (yes we get mail on Sunday because we live in a community that believes the sabbath to be Saturday) any ways it was Andy's birthday jeans I bought from my sister.  Yes, his birthday is not until Nov 1 but I just love giving presents and I can't ever wait to give them until they are actually suppose to be given so I showed him.  I just get so excited!  Seriously, I don't know how I'm ever going to keep any christmas presents for my kids around the house.  I am terrible, my friend and I have told each other what we're giving each other for our birthdays and Christmas presents for the past 12 years.  I need help!


Carly Nichols said...

Jennifer Jolly!!!!!!!!! How the heck are you!?! Well, I should probably call you Mrs. Martin:)
How is life? I haven't talk to you in a million years! I ran into Grace several months ago in the mall. I'm gunna link you to my blog. I wanna keep in touch.

Bup and Bridget said...

Yes Jen!
I freaking love you. I am so happy you are continuing our tradition with Andy. He will come to appreciate it if he doesn't now. I always try to tell bup what I got him but it makes him really mad. I just can't help myself. P.S. Check your email for this years halloween costume. Of course I will tell you!!!

stubz said...

JOLLY!!!! How are ya? I'm so glad I came across your blog - I've been wondering where you've been!
-Sarah (Coons)