Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So I had to be at the hospital at 7 this morning for grand rounds and a lecture on clavicle and humeral fractures. Afterwards I was scheduled to be in surgery for the rest of the day. It was awesome! I started out being the waterskier...aka holding onto a 350 lb man's leg and leaning back and pulling as hard as you can like you're water skiing. Sounds easy right? Not when the surgery last 5 hrs and you have demanding orthopedic surgeons telling you to pull harder when your arms and wrists ache and have gone numb. The second surgery was the best, I got to be first assist and the doc needed to manipulate the guy's tibia (shin) that was fractured back into the right place for pinning. So he handed me the drill and hammer and let me go to town. My first thought was does this guy know I have no idea what I'm doing, but then when I started drilling I thought "who cares this is awesome, I'm drilling a huge rood into some guy's leg". After I got out of surgery I call Andy to see where he's at. He tells me he's at urgent care and he thinks he broke his clavicle. Yeah right I thought, he's such a liar, how did he know I learned all about that this morning and now he's trying to scare me. Well, it was definately no joke, he was mountainbiking, and crashed going off of a jump. Then he had to walk his bike three miles before he could get any cell phone service to call for help. His clavicle (collar bone) is split in half with a 3rd fragment hanging in the air. Next stop, orthopedics! I'm so glad he doesn't have insurance the bill is going to be awesome! No but really, we're just glad that's all that happened. Thanks for everyone that helped him out, I really appreciate it!


TJ and Jen Sherwood said...

Umm.. i think I love you even more after reading your " political rant", I am glad you came back to the blogging world!!

AshleyS said...

yay, you posted at 9pm, that means you got home from work EARLY! haha poor andy, wes will miss his mountain biking friend! let's go riding soon, my bike won't be as fast as yours, but it would still be fun.

Cambrienelson said...

wow crazy story. I'm sorry about the injury-- that is a pretty ironic way of it happening though.

Ashley said...

See this is what I am talking about. What would the blog world be without your stories? And I love that you had bad bad Leroy Brown playin in the background. It made reading that story all that much badder.

Karissa said...

JJ. That was the awesomest story ever. what an exciting day you had. im so jealous. You totally drilled into a guys leg today. How awesome is that. Oh lets not forget about the 350 lb. mans leg you also held for hours. I love you jen. Tell Andy im sorry.

megan said...

I hope that he is doing ok!! How ironic too!! Cool surgeries though that you got to be a part of!!

Livin' Wright said...

Are you kidding me! Only andy would break his clavicle riding his bike. Andy you are seriously a kid trapped in an adults body aren't you? Jen You are amazing... I am so jealous you graduate in a month! you are my idol!

Livin' Wright said...

oh yeah! I got your letter in the mail. I really need some motivation to do a tri with you! You will kick my trash!

Krystal Arnett said...

Jen that is so crazy. Poor Andy I hope he is doing better. I kind of find it a bit disturbing how you find so much pleasure from drilling into a mans body but thats why I love you so much and you thought your life wasn't interesting :)