Saturday, January 10, 2009

We HEART Snowboarding!

The start of a wonderful day in the Cali-for-Ni-ayy

The classic lift photo!
Anticipating the first run of the day....
Thankfully, after Tuesdays incident I went injury free today!  I thought for sure this would be the week I'd break my arm & have to go back into the Urgent care where I work and play the patient again.
Andy is much more daring than me, he's always hitting the boxes and jumps.  This pic kinda sucks, I got the very beginning of the jib....

P.S.  Andy finally got rid of that shaggy red monster that attacked his face.  After he shaved, his face was so pale and skinny & he came out wearing a tight beanie, it looked like he had cancer or something.  I'm starting to recognize him now & thankful the mountain man is gone and clean Andy has returned. But for now... this pic is in memory of what I like to call "Andy style"
Sorry hun, but I think your style is the only one that's extinct!


TJ and Jen Sherwood said...

I am so jealous of your beautiful day. It looked like the perfect snowboarding day!

Ashley said...

Where is that? Was it any good?

Andy & Jen said...

Ashley, we went snowboarding at Mt. High, and it was about as good as it gets for So Cal. They had the snow makers on the entire day. You should check it out sometime, its better than not snowboarding at all.


megan said...

Oh how fun! I want it to snow again and Christian and I want to go up to the mountains- we should all go together! Anyhow, I'm glad you didn't break anything- both of you!

Jen and Joel said...

I am so jealous. We have amazing snow this year and we have yet to go up to the mountains. Hopefully these pics will inspire Joel to take me.

Moon Family said...

I do not heart Snow boarding. Probably because I suck so bad, but oh well. It looks like you guys had fun and great weather. We miss you guys! Tell Andy its about time he cut that thing off his face.

Jared Westergard said...

I am so jealous! That is one thing that I miss about living in Utah is the snowboarding. I want to go SO bad!!

Livin' Wright said...

Jen, I still can't believe we have never been boarding together... NEXT YEAR FOR SURE!!!

Krystal Arnett said...

Ha ha well it was a complete surprise to us too. My parents said that your dad and his girlfriend were coming over on New Year's and we were like what girlfriend. I liked her and she seems nice. According to your dad, she really likes him ;). I have been meaning to ask him how that was going. When I find out, I'll keep you updated.