Wow, I cannot believe the last time I posted was after Drew's blessing. He was 6 weeks old...now he is 7 months! Life is busy! Sadly, I have had no desire to blog and record what has been the most wonderful, crazy, exhausting, and adventurous time of our lives!

Drew is the best little thing that has ever happened to Andy and I. He is such a happy and calm little baby. He is quick to smile and very friendly. It always makes us laugh when strangers talk to him when we are out and about and he'll interact with them and then they will get so excited and say "he like us!" We just laugh because Drew smiles at everybody!
The last 6 months have been filled with lots of "firsts". Drew is changing and discovering new things daily, it truly amazes me. At 7 months he has 8 teeth, he sits and scoots all around, he grabs everything in sight and then it goes directly in his mouth. He babbles and says mama! He loves books and going on runs in the jogger. Oddly enough, the chubby little thing still hates baby food!
Given his size, one would think the kid eats everything in sight! But no, he only likes breast milk! I'm terrified I'll be nursing until he starts school! He purses his lips when I try to feed him solids and if I do sneak in a bite he gags and spits it right back out at me. Then he smiles and laughs! He is a smart little booger!

I love being a mother. Drew lights up my life. A challenging and difficult day at work is soon forgotten when I get home and see his sweet little face. Nothing makes me happier when I walk in the door and he starts kicking his feet saying, "mamamama". I was terrified he wouldn't know who his mother was and would think it was his babysitter...that is definitely not the case. I often struggle trying to find that balance of work and home. I often feel guilty and inadequate in all arenas. I'm trying to realize that I don't have to be perfect, I just need to be me because that's who Andy and Drew love.
Some of my favorite things we have been doing lately have been weekend trips to Seattle, baseball games, planting our first garden, BBQs, swimming, running with friends and enjoying this new family we have made! Life is good, life is hard. Life has it's challenges but it is most definitely rewarding!